My First Post

I guess I’m a blog newbie, although I consider myself technologically savvy.  I like to talk but somehow I ascribe certain authority to the written word so I have been reluctant to post.  Enough old school thinking.  Here I am. Lots to say about the myriad things I do.  This summer should be labeled “I can see again.”  I am the proud owner of two new toric lenses for my eyes. The days of coke bottle lenses and dried-up lens are over.  I am even looking forward to swimming without goggles (well, maybe not in chlorinated pools). But these 2 separate operations have changed how I see things (both literally and figuratively).  First I am blessed to have had Dr. Robert Broderick and his team to work on my eyesight.  One more appointment and I will be completely done. He thinks I may need a prescription for glasses since my eyes are not quite 20/20.  Well after 45 years of wearing glasses and contacts, i think i am just fine.

So more on my life as the summer goes on but for now, know that I will be back with more on the various activities in which I engage.